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 Opulence Art 2 Wear NEW line of clothing and accessories

About Opulence

Canadian Textile Artist & Fashion Designer

Donna is a graduate with two degrees in Textile Design along with Fashion and Knits

My Art 2 Wear accessory and clothing line consists of hand-painted clothing. tie-dying, dip-dying, and hand-felted with merino wool. My website offers unique hand-crafted textile designs created for the unique individual, who loves to wear art. Each art piece starts with a clean slate of white silk fabric that is transformed into a beautiful one-of-a-kind art piece, for that beautiful unique person. Enjoy!

Donna's Story


        My journey of discovery through travelling throughout Europe for 2 years along with my life experience led me down this path as a textile artist and fashion designer.


My passion for being in the outdoors as a Mountain Climber graduate inspired my passion for design through nature's beauty and colours which allowed me to create my one-of-a-kind art 2-wear pieces.


As a graduate in Fibre Art with a technical background in Fashion, each garment is created with her experience in design, couturier and tailoring along with her experience in free-flowing draping evening wear, which allows her to create beautiful Ones Size asymmetrical garments and accessories for all ages and lifestyles.


    When purchasing my Art 2 Wear you know you are receiving a unique quality art piece that was created through a labour of love, creativity and workmanship.


ENJOY!  (-:D

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